
When investing in Montenegro whether it is a small apartment or a large scale development, you must know that you are choosing the right partner.
Lustica Peninsular and Boka Bay are the undiscovered jewels on the Adriatic Sea for the foreign investors who have done their homework. This is where we specialise and 90% of our clients choose these locations. When you visit Montenegro, you will understand why.

Property here is relatively cheap and of a reasonable standard. These properties are some of the best value you can get in this part of the Adriatic.
There are many beautiful properties to be found in fantastic locations in the fjord and out on the open sea depending on your preference.
Purchasing property is very straight forward and the title deeds can be exchanged in a matter of days.

Please note, many of our best value exclusive properties are not listed on our web site. Families who have inherited land, ruins, houses, wish to remain anonymous in their financial affairs and conduct their private and business matters in a discreet manner. When you are here in Montenegro we can discuss your requirements.